TUCSON – Barb’s 4-Braid Cuff – Feb. 7


Make a dramatic statement with Barb’s 4-Braid Cuff.  Sheryl Lamarand will show how artist/designer Barb Klann adapted directions for a four strand WireKnitZ® braid incorporating beaded herringbone end caps to accommodate the bulkiness of the wire mesh with a comfortable tube clasp closure.

Skill Level: Basic beading skills and familiarity with Herringbone/Ndbele Stitch.

Workshop Fee: $55.00

Barb’s 4-Braid Cuff Kit Fee: $56.00


Date: Friday, February 7, 2014

Time: 10:00 – 2:00


The Tucson Bead Show

The Windmill Inn & Suites

4250 North Campbell Ave.

Tucson, AZ 85718




Instructor: Sheryl Lamarand

As a member of the Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild and a Certified Zentangles Teacher, Sheryl brings over twenty years of beading experience to her classes, mastering techniques and patterns from many of the industry's leading designers!

A detailed written tutorial with color photographs is included demonstrating each phase of the design.  Please see KITS listed below.  Scissors, corrugating tools, wrist mandrel and dowels are provided.

Please be certain to bring the following tools:

Safety Glasses

Wire Cutters

Round Nose Pliers

Chain Nose Pliers

Measuring Tape – min. 6 ft.

Bead Reamer – we will have a couple on hand to share

 FYI:  The Convertibles Bracelet, Aster Flower Cuff and Barb’s 4-Braid Cuff are complimentary accessories to the Orbital Cuff and are offered as classes.

Select your ORBITAL CUFF KIT from five color ways:

  • The Urban Edge Orbital Cuff: with Black WireKnitZ® and bare copper wire (without pearls)
  • Classic: Champagne WireKnitZ® with non-tarnish silver wire and pearls
  • Spring: Lilac WireKnitZ® with non-tarnish silver wire and pearls
  • Summer: Turquoise WireKnitZ® with non-tarnish silver wire and pearls
  • Autumn: Henna Brown WireKnitZ® with non-tarnish bronze wire and pearls


Link: http://www.thetucsonbeadshow.com/index.php