Welcome new WireKnitZ® Dealers and devotees!
Thank you, thank you, and thank you again, to all who attended To Bead True Blue & Tucson Bead Show. We were so busy sharing ideas and making new friends and visiting with old that we forgot to take pictures! We hope to improve over time.
Here are a few pictures we were lucky enough to take…
- New WireKnitZ® devotees (l-r) Gale, Laura and Georgia
- Norma engaged in conversation with Ronni
- Gladys, our good fairy with WireKnitZ® wings and made for us by VegasAirs.com
Lynn Pulley, Mixed media artist
Lynn Pulley, a Tucson Fiber artist stopped by our booth early on in the show, and hasn’t stopped working with WireKnitZ® since! As you can see, Lynn isn’t afraid to stretch and manipulate WireKnitZ®, taking full advantage of the many capabilities of WireKnitZ®! Much of Lynn’s work has been focused on making felted vessels; now she has a new medium to incorporate and we are certain to see many more of her designs with WireKnitZ® in the very near future. Lynn was kind enough to send pictures of some of her projects recently embellished with WireKnitZ®.
Please contact Lynn at jerlyn@q.com
(Note to self…remember to take pictures!)
Jewelry Making Professor’s Video
Though we lack show photos, Gina Galli from Jewelry Making Professor made up for our goof when she stopped by our booth and videotaped a segment with Eva and Norma…Gina saved the day with her video. Grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and click on the link below…don’t forget to turn up your volume!
Tucson proved to be such a success that we have reserved the same booth location for the next two years.
A very special thank you to all the students attending the WireKnitZ® workshops taught by Elaine Moreira ElaineMoreira.com, Bea Grob BeesAtelier.com, Lilian Chen Create-Your-Style.com, and Eva Sherman GrandRiverBeads.com. Please check out their links to follow their careers. Of course, the classes would not have been possible without this talented group of instructors… THANK YOU Elaine, Bea, Lilian, and Eva for sharing your designs and special talents! My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation go to my good friends, Heather, who proved to be the WireKnitZ® organizational wizard, and Michelle, and Sheryl who kept everything perking on the home front! My sincere thanks…Norma
Studio Foray
Nancy Foray of Studio Foray located in Historic Yorktown, VA, sent us pictures of her latest WireKnitZ® designs…
Thank you for sharing, Nancy!
…And another example of the versatility of WireKnitZ®… comes from a friend who describes HUMBLE FRUIT: A spiritual framed work which includes rag-rolled mat; fruits cut from commercial scrap booking stock; embellished with WireKnitZ® tendrils.
Our Authorized WireKnitZ Dealers list continues to grow…
We welcome Sweet Beads of Lexington, MA, and Beadworkz (love the spelling!) of Portsmouth, VA, to our family of WireKnitZ® friends and enthusiasts. We look forward to their unique spin on WireKnitZ®! More shops coming soon, but you can help us by requesting WireKnitZ® where you like to shop! We value our relationship with all the Authorized WireKnitZ® Dealers and hope you will frequent their shops for WireKnitZ® and all related materials. To find a shop near you, please visit www.WireKnitZ.com
See us again at
Until then, you may catch us on a video or two…
More news coming soon!
We thank you for sharing this newZletter with your friends and families, too!
Sincerely, the GalZ of WireKnitZ®
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