WireKnitZ Prepares for Travel

WireKnitZ Travel Containers

Recycling doesn’t just happen at the curb!

Are you traveling this holiday season with gifts made with WireKnitZ®?  If so, they may already be decoratively boxed and wrapped, but if you are like me and working on your projects right up until the last minute, then you’ll need to give consideration to transporting your works in progress, not to mention your personal pieces.  Whether its jewelry, art quilts, art dolls or ornaments made with WireKnitZ®, you need not look any further than your recycling container.  I am a diehard recycler and have been since my years of working at the recycling center in Ann Arbor, MI.  Every type of container that enters my home is viewed as a potential vessel for transporting my WireKnitZ® designs.  Whether personal items or gifts, I have an array of decorative tea tins, limited edition food tins, Harry and David gourmet condiment boxes and paper note card boxes, to name a few.  There are always the more mundane containers that we see daily, such as plastic pill containers and fresh food clamshells from the grocery store; as long as it’s clean, it’s up for grabs.  I also save packaging peanuts for filling in the gaps.

Of course you always want to prevent the unintended pokes and dents, so to protect your WireKnitZ® creations it’s all about creating a little nest with walls of support to ensure your treasures safe arrival.  I stuff my cuffs with compressed tissue paper like shoe companies do.  Tissue paper and packaging peanuts play a big role in supporting all of my designs within a container.  Anything that dangles or moves is gently held in place with tissue paper and packaging peanuts for support.

However, in the event you experience a little mishap, you already know WireKnitZ® is malleable and can be reworked by massaging, rolling and manipulating back into place.  

Now go and have fun this holiday season and know with these tips your personal WireKnitZ® creations and gifts will arrive safely…Cheers!



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