Why WireKnitZ

Why WireKnitZ®

For years, I have spent summer weekends walking the beautiful beaches of the Great Lakes, collecting beach glass and stones along the way. In the summer of 2008, while vacationing in northern Michigan, I began searching for something I could use to create with my treasures. I came across an article about knitting with wire that offered instructions for making a bracelet. I found myself intrigued with the thought of integrating knitted wire with my beach baubles. Though my mother and my aunts used to knit, my attempt at knitting proved that if there is such a thing as a knitting gene, I do not possess it!

Although this could have been the end of my desire for wire, it wasn’t! I pursued, until I found, a talented manufacturer that produced an aesthetically pleasing, quality knitted copper wire with structural integrity in various colors, knits, and wire gauges.

The evolution of WireKnitZ® began with developing techniques and using common tools that worked well with my own designs. When strangers would ask if they could purchase my jewelry, I knew I had something very special. Soon artists and non-artist alike realized this was a unique product and were motivated to use it in their own designsand WireKnitZ® was born.

I was pleased with the enthusiastic embrace of WireKnitZ® by the artisan and design communities. Naturally, interactions and collaborations developed with other artists and designers, motivating me to introduce WireKnitZ® to the public. With many design applications already developed, there are still so many more to be discovered.

Now, I not only enjoy working with WireKnitZ®, but I’m thrilled to see the boundless creativity in others from bead workers, metalsmiths, knitters, scrap bookers, quilters, and product designers, to name a few. I hope you too will discover for yourself the many design possibilities of WireKnitZ®.

Thank you for visiting WireKnitZ.com!

Be well and stay wired,



Norma Melton