Sample Sets and Random Bags

WireKnitZ® / Findings & Components / Tools / Kits


Please email and specify the item and color.  Please include your name and mailing address, and we will email a PayPal invoice for you to pay using your PayPal account or a charge card securely. 

i.e. Sample Set, Pastel, 1 qty.

Sample Sets

Are you wondering what to order? Our Sample Sets give you the opportunity to explore the unique differences of each Series and are available in Earth tones, Jewel tones, and Pastels. Each set includes 1-meter (39.37”) of both fine gauge Series and 9-inches of the three heavy gauge Series.

Please Note: Though we strive to maintain inventory in each color and Series, in the event a “Sample Set” item is out of stock, we will substitute that item within the Series and color palette.

Each Sample Set $50.00 $60.00 ($69.20 value)


Earth tone Sample Set includes:
#1008 Champagne – 1-meter
#2010 Henna Brown – 1-meter
#3005 Light gold – 9-inches
#4009 Goldenrod – 9-inches
#5001 Black – 9-inches

Jewel tone Sample Set includes:
#1106 Chartreuse – 1-meter
#2105 Baby Pink – 1-meter
#3103 Turquoise – 9-inches
#4009 Goldenrod – 9-inches
#5014 Dark Purple

Pastel Sample Set includes:
#1108 Seafoam – 1-meter
#2107 Lilac – 1-meter
#3005 Light Gold – 9-inches
#4002 Silver Plate – 9-inches
#5101 Bright Blue – 9-inches

Random Bags

We have, what at times, seems like an endless supply of leftovers from demonstrations as well as small bits and pieces from our experiments and design snafus. The Random Bags are just that, random, and can be an assortment of colors or Series; but you will always end up with at least 3.5 oz. We suggest you order a “Cheat Sheet” to easily identify each Series (see below). So, if you are a doll maker, art quilter, scrapbooker, milliner, or like us, you want to upcycle and recycle, then this is your opportunity!
$24.00 per 3.5 oz._MG_0081-235x231

Cheat Sheet

The WireKnitZ® Cheat Sheet provides a small sample of each Series so you can feel and see the differences, which will help you identify your preferences when ordering. When shipped individually, we send First Class Mail. Price includes postage.
$4.50 per sheet, postage included