Archive | January, 2015

Day 5: Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge

Around the D by Norma Melton

  #ArtJewelryChallenge Day 5 … The last day… What does this have to do with WireKnitZ?  It’s copper!  The Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge – Day 5… last day… In case you’re not familiar with the Challenge… When you are nominated, you post photos of your art jewelry for 5 days, and each day […]

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Day 4: Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge

Bracelet by Norma Melton

Day 4: Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge Challenge? When you are nominated, you post photos of your art jewelry for 5 days, and each day tag another artist to do the same. The Campus Martius Skate Bracelet from the Industry Collection was inspired by Detroit’s Campus Martius Park, where every year this historic park […]

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Day 3: Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge

Faceboolk Art Jewelry Challenge

  Day 3: Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge What is this about? When you are nominated for the Challenge, you post photos of your art jewelry for 5 days, and each day tag another artist to do the same. For my 3rd day, I selected “Belle Isle Bloom” from the Industry Collection. Belle Isle […]

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Day 2: Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge

The Motor City

  Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge – Day 2. What is this about? When you are nominated, you post photos of your art jewelry for 5 days, and each day tag another artist to do the same. The Motor City Necklace from the Industry Collection is featured here today. Living in Southeastern Michigan, the […]

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Day 1: Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge

Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge - Day 1

  Facebook 5 Day Art Jewelry Challenge – Day 1. In case you haven’t heard about this I thought I would explain as I understand its origin. Donna Greenberg Arts started this hoping to capture the diversity of art jewelry around the world.  When you are nominated, you post photos of your art jewelry for […]

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TUCSON Update: Christie Friesen & WireKnitZ


TUCSON Update: Christie Friesen & WireKnitZ For those of you traveling to Tucson to take in the biggest bead and gem show extravaganza, WireKnitZ will be represented by The Great Create and notable polymer clay artist, Christie Friesen.  Please visit To Bead True Blue February 1 – 9 at the Doubletree Reid Park Hotel.  As […]

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