New Queen Victoria Cuff Tutorial

This just out… the spring edition of
Jewelry Affaire magazine published by Stampington & Company. You can find Eva Sherman’s Queen Victoria Cuff tutorial on page 81. What a great way to re-purpose some old or not so old jewelry. Thanks, Eva! (my constant companion, Louie, taking a closer look)
Spring has sprung!
Sun shining, birds chirping and the flowers are blooming; just look at all the inspiration around you. Here are a few designs by WireKnitZ enthusiasts…
With many design applications already developed, there are still so many more to be discovered.
Do you have designs that you would like to share? We would love to see them… You never know, yours may be featured in our next NewZletter!
Please ask for WireKnitZ® and classes too…We’re not always privy to the classes offered at your local shops, so we encourage you to ask for WireKnitZ® by name and for classes too!
More instructional videos are on their way…so please stand by…
The Bead and Button show is fast approaching and for those of you making the trip to Milwaukee; we look forward to meeting you at
Booth 622!
Many thanks for sharing our newZletter with your design buddies!
Norma and the GalZ of WireKnitZ® Facebook

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